Legenda Detectorists S03E01

Detectorists S03E01

A sitcom acompanha a vida de Andy (Crook), um aspirante a arqueólogo que, na companhia de seu amigo Lance (Toby Jones, de Titanic), passa o tempo investigando o solo com seu detector de metal na esperança de um dia encontrar um objeto historicamente precioso. Mas seu sonho de se tornar um importante arqueólogo bate de frente com sua realidade e os problemas diários.
No elenco também estão Rachael Stirling (Women in Love, The Bletchley Circle) como Becky; Aimee-Ffion Edwards (Luther, Being Human) como Sophie; e Lucy Benjamin.

Lance’s flat isn’t his own any more and Andy’s staying with the mother-in-law. But at least they have their old faithful permission to escape. Or do they? The dark cloud of a solar farm threatens the tranquillity.

Detectorists follows the relationship between two friends who share a passion for metal detecting. When Andy and Lance are together, they’re like an old married couple. They gripe at each other, but there is a true bond underneath. Each has their own slightly dysfunctional lives but together they dream of finding a priceless Saxon hoard that will cement their place in detecting history. Helping them along the way is a delightfully quirky crowd of characters who are drawn to this all-absorbing hobby.
